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Use Tantra to choose your booty calls! 🍆

Photo du rédacteur: Guillaume de Cœurs d'hommesGuillaume de Cœurs d'hommes

gay tantra for men techniques advices

Have you ever been disappointed after a juicy moment with another man?

Determined to meet someone for a nice moment, have you ever come home empty-handed and/or frustrated?

Have you ever, without really understanding why, suffered from a lack of connection with the other person when everything was there for this magical moment?

All these disappointments inevitably have a meaning. And the most common meaning is that all the parts of you weren't completely in agreement with what was happening.

So why not use a Tantric tool to avoid making mistakes and being disappointed in your booty calls? I'm going to give you an infallible technique for saving time and having fulfilling encounters!

Ask your three centres!

In various spiritual traditions, including Tantra, it is said that awakening can be achieved through three centres:

- the first centre, a few centimetres below your navel. This is the centre of Joy, and refers to the body.

- the second centre is in the centre of your chest. This is the centre of Love, and refers to the heart.

- the third centre is between your two eyebrows. This is the centre of Truth, and refers to the soul.

The tool I'm about to share with you will enable you to question these three centres. They'll work together to tell you what's best for you. You'll then be able to choose the best moment and the most appropriate person to experience a nourishing, orgasmic and tender moment.

Before approaching another man, whether on a dating app, in a pick-up place or in the evening, give yourself a few moments to centre yourself, close your eyes and, throughout this protocol, listen carefully:

- First, put your hands on your stomach and ask your body how it feels about this man and listen to his reaction. Does your body tense up? Is your throat tight? Do you feel a gentle warmth in your belly? Once you've received the message, thank him for his response.

- Then place your hands in the centre of your chest and ask your heart what emotion it is feeling. Does it feel safe? Does it feel a connection with this other person? Does it feel fulfilment or tenderness? Listen for all the little signs it sends you. Then thank them for the information they give you.

- Finally, place your hands on your forehead and ask your soul what it thinks. Here again, the feedback can be varied: "This person won't bring you anything interesting", "Have fun, enjoy yourself and breathe" or "I feel honoured by this meeting". Trust your feelings, what's going through your head and thank your soul for taking the time to accompany you!

Once you've taken into account the feedback from your body, your heart and your soul, act accordingly. This technique will help you avoid frustration, disappointment and even danger. And above all, it will save you time!

You should know that, like any method of this kind, the more you practise it, the quicker it will be applied and the clearer and more precise the answers will be. After a few attempts, you'll just have to visualise your three centres to get your answers in a few seconds.

And, who knows, maybe you'll go further than you think with the man your whole being has chosen for this moment of ecstasy.

And if you'd like to benefit from lots of tools of this type to live harmonious relationships or meet other men who are on the same path to fulfilment as you. Why not join us for a Men's Hearts experience?

You'll find all about our Retreats on Men’s Hearts’ website.

Yours Tantrically,


Men’s Hearts’ Animator


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