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One of the essential things that Tantra has given me 💐

Photo du rĂ©dacteur: Guillaume de CƓurs d'hommesGuillaume de CƓurs d'hommes

creativity creative gay tantra for men retreats workshop

Today, I'd like to reveal one of the essential things that Tantra has brought me and that has radically changed my daily life. As a little boy, I was a very creative child with a strong imagination, but my path and my entry into society (studies, work, financial responsibilities, etc.) had buried this potential within me. Through various practices, Tantra has enabled me to let this creativity bubble up again to bring more beauty into my daily life, and so celebrate Life more fully.

Since then, whether I'm entertaining friends or enjoying a more intimate Tantric experience, I've let this creativity unfold to make the most of these moments. It often doesn't take much: a few candles, two or three fabrics, a few tree branches, a little care with the presentation of a dish... The most important thing is to let our inventiveness flow, so that amazing treasures emerge.

Would you like to find that treasure hidden deep inside you? Join us for one of our Retreats. Find out more by clicking here.

Yours Tantrically,


Men’s Hearts’ Animator


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