In this article, I wanted to talk about one of the ingredients that seem, to me, one of the essential bases of neo Tantra: music. This will also be an opportunity for me to give you a gift that I hope will help you to experience unforgettable Tantric moments.
It was in the 1970s that Margot Anand, at the request of the spiritual master Osho, created what is now known as neo Tantra. This innovative discipline is particularly interested in the relational and sexual aspects that can be found in the various branches of traditional Tantra and in the sacred texts on which it is based. It should be noted that relationships and sacred sexuality represent only a very small part of traditional Tantra. So everything had to be created: rituals, meditations, proposals, intentions, framework, etc. The story of this incredible adventure can be found in Margot Anand's didactic book "Meeting the divine orgasm".
Through his active meditations, Osho had already emphasised the importance of music and its power to bring us into altered states of consciousness, even trance. Since then, music seems to be one of the essential foundations of any Tantric moment. Through its frequencies, vibrations and the atmosphere it creates, music is a real aid to entering a meditative state more easily and setting intentions for moments of awareness, liberation and ecstasy. Music and sound are also directly linked to traditional tantric meditation, which often relies on our senses.
Whether it's for an individual meditation, a moment in a relationship or a moment of Tantric sexuality, music is a support.
Finding a favourite piece of music to play during your preparation for sacred moments is an excellent way for your body and mind to enter Tantra more easily and to surrender more quickly to the energy. In recent years, a great deal of hertzian music has emerged, music that diffuses a certain frequency with a certain intention (finding Peace, diffusing Joy, activating a particular energy centre). This music is a wonderful support for your meditative moments or for performing rituals, whether alone or with a partner. I therefore invite you, for any tantric moment, to think carefully about the music you choose to nourish these moments of connection: sacred music, classical music, world music. The choice is vast and everyone has their own preferences.
For my part, I also find it interesting to vary the musical moods during a single tantric moment in order to explore different energies and different states (moving from very ethereal music - classical, for example - to denser music - such as shamanic chants). Alone or as a couple, the music is an invitation to travel between your different inner worlds, to vary the body's rhythms and energies, and to unfold a multitude of varied sensations.
In order to help you on this intimate and/or relational journey, I share with you the music I prefer to use during my Tantra practice. I hope they will accompany you or inspire you to be creative in your musical choices. Dare, take risks, experiment, allow yourself to test the different moods that music generates... You're likely to be surprised by the effect it will have on you, your partner and your connection.
To access my tantric playlist, click here
Want to experience the power of music? Join us for a Men's Hearts Gay Tantra Retreat. You'll get all the information about these events by clicking here.
Yours Tantrically,
Men’s Hearts’ Animator